Success Stories

Case 1
Case 1

A couple had been married for 15 years yet they could not bear a child. On hormonal and clinical evaluation, the husband was diagnosed with obstructive azoospermia. They were suggested with TESA and immediately began with the procedure. The husband’s sperm was retrieved with the ICSI method, which resulted in the formation of two blastocysts that was transferred to the wife. After a few days, the wife was pregnant and successfully gave birth to a healthy baby.

Case 2
Case 2

Post-tubectomy pregnancy with single embryo transfer

A couple had been married for two years. They both had been married previously and the wife had undergone cesarean with tubectomy five years ago after giving birth to two children in her previous marriage. She wished to bear a child with her current husband, but natural pregnancy was not possible due to tubectomy. They were given two choices, including tubal recanalization and IVF. The couple was concerned about the pros and cons, the success rate of the procedures, and the increased risk of tubal ectopic pregnancy with tubal recanalization. Finally, they opted for IVF, with single embryo transfer, and successfully gave birth to a baby girl.